Safety and Accountability

At EnergyAustralia, we aim to make sure that all our stakeholders – customers, shareholders, employees, wider community, and the environment – are better off for our presence. This means doing the right thing and being accountable, particularly when it comes to safety.

Safety is integral to everything we do, and the safety and good health of our employees, contractors and local community are key priorities. We aim for zero injuries and nurture a culture of vigilance and care. 

While we have comprehensive safety procedures and processes in place, in 2019 a key focus will be how to do safety differently – and better. We will be reviewing our safety systems and processes as well as methodologies, to ensure the wellbeing of our most important asset: our people.

Our environmental performance

We continually strive to improve our environmental performance, and maintain the high levels of compliance required by our EPA Accredited Licence. 

We strictly manage discharges to both air and water and take opportunities to improve emission performance where possible and practicable.  For example, over a five-year period, our operational improvement program led to a reduction of 370,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas, while our improved efficiency turbines allowed us to produce power for another 100,000 homes without having to burn more coal.

Bushfire mitigation plan

The bushfire mitigation plan is part of our commitment to protect the local environment. It is an integrated set of procedures to reduce fire risk to and from our sites and includes systems and processes that cover inspection, management, fuel reduction, and fire containment and control.

Electric line clearance plan

The electric line clearance plan outlines the procedures and processes at the Yallourn site to comply with the Electricity Safety (Electric Line Clearance) Regulation. The plan defines the practises for the management of cutting trees in the vicinity of electric lines and to minimises the risk of electric lines causing fire or electrocution.