Reliable, affordable and cleaner supplies of energy are integral to our quality of life, so it’s critical to get the balance right as we invest.

We are committed to supporting Australia’s transition to a zero-emissions future, without compromising the delivery of reliable and affordable energy to customers. But that transition must be accessible for all Australians, not just those who can afford it.

We believe a market-based approach – where private investors fund Australia’s electricity infrastructure – will provide the most affordable outcomes.

Our approach also involves supporting the long-term, economic sustainability of the regions in which we operate. We provide products and services that are valuable and often essential to the communities we serve, and we commit to delivering them safely, reliably, efficiently, cost effectively and in an environmentally responsible manner.

EnergyAustralia tax contribution report

EnergyAustralia supplies energy to millions of customers across Australia, the majority families and small businesses. We provide an essential service, which means we occupy a privileged position in the community. The payment of taxes and royalties to federal and state governments is just one of the ways we contribute to people’s lives, but it’s an important one.

We also know it’s important for people to have confidence their companies are doing the right thing. That’s why EnergyAustralia was the first energy utility in Australia to register for the Australian government’s new tax transparency code, aimed at encouraging large and medium-sized businesses to disclose their tax affairs.

We are pleased to present the company’s latest Tax Contribution Report. This report discloses the tax payments we made during each financial year and includes information about our approach to tax and an explanation of why we paid the tax we did.

How energy efficiency can help your business