There are several types of grants, rebates and incentives that business customers with solar power can be eligible for:

Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs)

STCs are part of the Federal Government’s Renewable Energy Target scheme. This scheme gives Australians a financial incentive to install renewable energy systems.

You can generate STCs with an eligible solar power system.

Each STC has a market value. The larger the capacity of your system, the more STCs are created. In most cases for commercial sized systems, the incentive value can be several thousands of dollars.

Feed-in Tariffs

A feed-in tariff is a credit customers are paid for any unused electricity that their solar power system sends back to the power grid. It is usually a set rate per kilowatt hour and paid as a credit on electricity bills.

Australian state governments used to fund feed-in tariff schemes, but they are now closed for new customers. Retailers, like us, do still provide some feed-in tariffs, depending on what state you’re in and the size of your system. To give you an indication of what rate you may be eligible for view our current feed-in tariffs.

Other grants and financial assistance

There may be other financial incentives available to you, depending on your industry and location. Some examples are below.



Clean Energy Finance Corporation

QRAA Sustainability Loan Program (QLD)

Ausgrid Power2u program

To find other grants and financial assistance, you can visit: